WorkBook, pag. 64 n°1:
- Worked
- Stopped
- Lasted
- Finished
- Decided
- Visited
- Travelled
- Watched
- Enjoyed
- Closed
- Left
- Went
- Bought
- Came
- Got
- Spent
- Saw
- Met (è questo il verbo che non c'è)
- Swam
pag. 64 n°3
- Ten years ago
- This morning
- Last year
- Last month
- Last night
- Yesterday afternoon
Pag. 64 n°4
- Went
- Ordered
- Said
- Was
- Was
- Repeated
- Said
- Decided
- Thought
- Accepted
- Served
- Gave
- Was
- Left
- Travelled
- Were
- Had
- Were
- Went
- Met
- Listened
- Visited
- Travelled
- Went
- Saw
- Were
- Came back
- She didn't go to Scotland. She went to Ireland.
- She didn't left London For Ireland in September. She left London in August.
- She didn't travelled to Ireland by plane. She travelled by car and ferry.
- She didn't stay in her hotel in the evenings. She went in pubs and discos.
- She didn't met any very boring people in Dublin. She met some very interesting people.
- She didn't spend all her time in Dublin. She also travelled around Ireland.
- Fortnight
- Youth hostel
- Bed
- Breakfast
- Hotel
- Train
- Car
- Beach
- Sunbathe
- Swimming
- Sailing
- Sightseeing
- Went-> Go
- Meeted->Met
- Not enjoyed->Didn't enjoy
- Camen't->Didn't come
- Wanted->Want
- Buyed->Bought
- Decide->Decided
- Sawed->Saw
- I had French, Italian and Maths.
- Yesterday I didn't go to school.
- Yesterday evening I had pizza for dinner.
- Last night I went to bed at 3.00 a.m. (cambiate orario che è meglio! XD)
- This morning I got up at 9.00 a.m.
- This morning I leave home at 10.00 a.m.
- Left
- Noticed
- Weren't
- Were
- Had
- Crossed
- Went
- Looked
- Saw
- Felt
- Yes, she did.
- No, she didn't.
- No, she didn't.
- Yes, she did.
- No, she didn't.
- Yes, she did.
- Where did you go for your gap year?
- Wich cities did you visit?
- Did you enjoy the trip?
- Did you make much money?
- Did you work when you were there?
- Did you drive one of the cars?
- Where did you live?
- How long did you stay in San Francisco?
- Who did you meet outside school?
- What did you eat last night?
- What do you like to study?
- Who did you invit to the party?
- When do you have breakfast?
- Where do your sister works?
- They went to Greece last summer.
- They get there by train and boat.
- They stayed in a small hotel.
- They went to the beach.
- They bought food four their lunch in a shop and they ate it on the beach.
- They went walking or cycling.
- They went to the disco.
- They went to bed before 1.00 a.m.
- Yesterday evening I went to the cinema.
- Where did you went for holiday last year?
- Did you enjoy the book? Yes, very much!
- Tina played tennis yesterday afternoon.
- Did you work when you were in Germany?
- We didn't meet much people at the party yesterday night.
- Lia and Hannah had a good time in Milan last week.
- What did you eat yesterday evening?
- Julia didn't buy nothing last saturday.
- We did exams last month.
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